Mental Health is provided by New River Valley Community Services. Services provided are not billed.
To contact call: 540-381-0097
Short length of stay services:
- Intake and Orientation to Services
- Weekly Psychological Education groups
- Emergency Detention Home Services *
Long length of stay services:
- Individual Sessions
- Moral Reconation Therapy Group*
- Anger Management/Conflict Resolution*
- Substance Abuse Education Group or Individual Meetings*
- Sessions with parents/guardians *
- Transition Planning*
- Psychiatric services*
- Community Service Opportunities*
*Length of stay, charges, availability of services, and/or placement in the GOALS program play a role in determining which services an adolescent qualifies for. Clients in the GOALS program qualify for additional services and are given first priority for more intensive services.
Intake and Orientation to Services:
The MAYSI-2 is a self-reported questionnaire completed by adolescents at intake and scored by the mental health staff for screening purposes. An orientation meeting with Mental Health providers usually takes place within 72 hours of intake. Mental Health services suited for the adolescent’s length of stay and needs are discussed. If the adolescent is a client of NRVCS, their community counselor is notified. Community based counselors can work with probation officers to arrange professional visits.
Emergency Detention Home Services:
Emergency Services include individual meetings with Mental Health Providers and possible referrals for additional services when released. A client being opened for these services is based on their length of stay and level of need. Meetings with the psychiatrist may be available for these clients.
Weekly Psychological Education Groups:
Psych-Education groups occur during school hours once a week. Topics including: self-care, family dynamics, substance abuse, conflict resolution, impulse control, skill building, and taking responsibility/self-awareness.
Individual Sessions:
Clients opened for Emergency Services or with a full-intake will meet with one or both of the Mental Health Providers weekly or bi-weekly based on level of need. Individual meetings will address issues related to family dynamics, skill building, peer interactions, stress and anxiety, anger and impulse control, substance abuse, crisis prevention, and oppositional behaviors.

Aggression Replacement Training (A.R.T.):
Aggression Replacement Training features three coordinated and integrated components:
- Social Skills Training—Teaches participants what to do, helping them replace antisocial behaviors with positive alternatives.
- Anger Control—Teaches participants what not to do, helping them respond to anger in a non-aggressive manner and rethink anger-provoking situations.
- Moral Reasoning—Helps raise participants’ level of fairness, justice, and concern for the needs and rights of others.
Sessions with parents/guardians:
Parents/Guardians can call to set up appointments to meet with their child and Mental Health Providers. These sessions are solution focused and attempt to resolve conflicts, build positive relationships, and plan transitions back into the community. Spaces are limited and priority is given to clients with longer lengths of stay. Clients have the right to refuse meetings.
Transitional Planning:
Referrals for mental health and other services are made as the clients prepare to re-enter the community. Clients in the GOALS program who are sentenced to 6 months receive a 90 day transition plan meeting and a follow up meeting 30 days before release. Transition meetings can include probation officers, detention home teachers, detention home staff, parents/guardians, and the adolescent.
Psychiatric services:
Dr. Frieben, NRVCS Child-Psychiatrist, comes to the detention home once a month. Adolescents must be open for Emergency Services or Full Admission with the detention home mental health providers to be eligible. Spaces are very limited and first priority is given to clients in the GOALS program and with the greatest mental health needs. Guardians/Parents are notified of Dr. Frieben’s recommendations and expected to assist medication management.