We are a 24 bed secure detention facility operated under the authority granted by the New River Valley Juvenile Detention Commission consisting of the owner jurisdictions of the city of Radford and the counties of Giles, Montgomery and Pulaski. The owner jurisdictions pool financial resources to provide for the delivery of juvenile detention services to meet the philosophy and mission of the Commission.
Mission and Philosophy
We will provide secure custody for and care of juveniles in a safe healthy environment, while protecting the community. As an integral part of the rehabilitation process, supervision, guidance, and counseling are used to control and prevent delinquency by promoting personal responsibility, social accountability, and emotional growth.
We provide short-term physical care, custody, and control of all juvenile placed in this facility by court order. It is our desire that all children will exit the facility better mentally and physically than when placed. Through proper supervision, guidance, counseling, based on a direct care model, staff deliver services designed to promote personal responsibility, social accountability, and emotional growth. To achieve this philosophy, we use the following objectives:
- To provide secure custody in as unobtrusive manner as possible in order to insure the security and control of a juvenile until authorized release by the Court;
- To provide basic physical needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, and medical care;
- To provide a constructive and balanced program that includes psycho-educational groups, victim sensitivity, substance abuse awareness, recreation, mediation, religious programs, social skills, education, etc;
- To assist in the social and emotional adjustment of the detained juvenile;
- To provide observation and evaluation of the detained juvenile;
- Services will be delivered without regard to race, national origin, color, creed, sex or sexual orientation, physical, mental or emotional handicaps/disabilities;
- Males and females in coeducational programs will have equal access to programs and activities;
- Reasonable accommodations shall be made to integrate juvenile with disabilities with the general population granting them access to program and service areas, provided that the safety and security within the facility can be maintained;
- Detainees shall not be subjected to corporal, aversive stimuli, humiliation, unsanitary living conditions, mental abuse, nor denied access to staff, deprived of food, water, bathing facilities, or sleep;
- The Superintendent shall cooperate with the Interstate Compact Administrator as provided by Section 16.1-323 of the Code of Virginia.
- The Superintendent shall work with community agencies to develop and/or provide services as required or appropriate for the use of detention services.
In short, our teachers, mental health staff, medical staff, floor staff and administration all have a part in making our program successful. We are forever striving to make our program better and more responsive to our diverse population of kids.
Thank you for supporting our mission and philosophy – it takes a village!